Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dementia and Friendship

It is always impressive when an individual takes their job seriously.  When the tasks being performed are enjoyable, and the individual is working to the best of their ability, then everyone's life is enriched through the process.  This is true in caregiving, also. 
Caregiving is often exhausting work.  However, the work is made more enjoyable and the tasks easier when genuine interest and concern are part of the experience.  Learning about the individual, hearing stories from the past, discovering their likes and dislikes, can all prove to enhance the caregiving experience.  For example, what side of the bed do they normally sleep on?  Do they put a small amount of milk on their cereal, or do they like a large amount?  What high school did they attend?  Who was their first date with?  
We can't make friendships with people we meet unless we talk and find out about one another.  There has to be a sharing of life values and concerns in order to form relationships.  The same is true for caregivers.  Most senior citizens are happy to share stories about their lives, and they delight in having someone take interest in them.  
Ask questions that will lead to pleasant stories.  Be prepared for long stories, but they will be stories that produce a better caregiving situation.  Hope that gives you Something To Ponder.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Dementia and Toileting

There are facts about life that will always remain the same regardless of age.  These facts can be personal.  One such fact regards toileting . 
If you have ever changed a baby's diaper, it was most likely not something routinely done in a public setting.  From infancy through potty training, teaching children the importance of privacy in regards to bathroom activities is important.

We never want a child to feel nature is anything less than normal, however we do not necessarily enjoy the experience of cleaning a child after "nature" has paid a visit.  There is no denying it, diaper changing is not always a pleasant experience. 
As we age, we often lose the ability to control the bladder and bowels.  This incontinence can be embarrassing and frustrating for both the senior citizen and their caregiver.  It brings back reminders of earlier years when nature called.  The odor that accompanies the need for a change is the same no matter the age of the individual.  The difference between a cute little infant or toddler needing special attention, compared to that of a mature adult, can be hard to accept. 
Showing respect to the individual and their needs, remembering bodily functions continue throughout life, and recognizing the limitations of each individual will make the process of caregiving easier.  Babies, toddlers, or mature individuals... we all deserve proper respect when "nature" calls.  I hope this give you Something To Ponder.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Dementia and Kindness

Are we, as a nation, unable to show kindness?  Are we too busy to show kindness?  Are the statistics regarding violence in our society upsetting, or do we become hardened to the sadness around us?  Is it possible many of us are lacking something meaningful in our lives? 
If we treat others the way we want to be treated, then we are putting kindness to work.  Scriptures teach us, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”  (Luke 6:31)  Kindness is not a fix for the problems we face, and there are always going to be those individuals who make life difficult.  However, as Momma always says, “Kill them with kindness”.  Most individuals are caught off guard when kindness is presented during a stressful or volatile situation.  This same kindness can diffuse the situation and allow peace to permeate the environment.
The kindness we show and share will make an impact on those around us.  Children and adults, friends and acquaintances, co-workers and bosses, teenagers and senior citizens all benefit from these acts of kindness.  Who can you reach out to today?  Hope that gives you Something To Ponder.


Friday, August 2, 2013


I am beyond excited - LET'S TALK DEMENTIA - A Caregiver's Guide just received celebrity endorsement from Dr. Neal Barnard, author of POWER FOODS FOR THE BRAIN and frequent guest on Dr. Oz, Oprah, Ellen Degeneres, CBS Morning Show, and many other shows! Here are his thoughts -

"Let's Talk Dementia is an informative and reassuring guide that will help you through what, for many people, can seem like an overwhelming challenge. By making medical information easy to understand and providing practical tips for dealing with countless day-to-day situations, this handy book gives you everything you need." - Dr. Neal Barnard