Monday, March 18, 2013

Dementia And Dancing

Did that title say, “dancing”?  Absolutely! 
I grew up being taught that good girls don’t dance.  So, I didn’t.  OK, maybe I danced when Daddy was not looking, but I certainly never learned how to dance properly.  Then one day I learned from scripture that David danced before God.  The angels, also, dance around the Throne of God.  That was the day my world change.  This girl began dancing.
Now I dance with my senior citizens.  I have a lady who use to be a model.  She doesn’t mind dancing in front of a crowd, and I love to help her do so.  Yesterday, however, I experienced dancing that really made me smile.
Senior Life Journeys has recently begun Hospice Music Therapy.  While singing with a client in a facility, a neighboring lady wandered in to join the music. This lady was about as “big as a minute” (that’s a good Southern phrase from my Momma), and she seemed very interested in our music.  Little did I know this lady would begin dancing to every song we sang.  Whether that song was “Coal Miner’s Daughter” or “Amazing Grace”, she tapped her toes and moved her hips.  It was so much fun!
Later I learned she was a dancer professionally in her younger years.  The amazing part was how she spends her days presently.  It seems she spends the majority of her time with a frown on her face.  That was really hard to believe after witnessing the joy she was experiencing dancing and singing with us.
Dance and sing with everyone you know.  If they have dementia…. if they have cancer…if they have grouchy-ittis…if they are having a bad day.   Just dance and sing!  Hope that gives you Something To Ponder.

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