Monday, July 15, 2013


This has been an exciting week at my house.  A decision was made, and action was taken.  I am still a little in shock about the entire process.
Let me back up in time a bit.  For fifteen years, my husband and I were the parents to a beautiful Miniature Dachshund name Pretzel.  This little fellow brought joy, hugs, smiles, and the best Dachshund kisses ever into our world.  In March of 2012, Pretzel passed away.  Life has not been the same since then.
Recently, I began wondering what it would be like to have a puppy.  I have thought about the pros and cons, the kisses and the work, and hugs and the expense.  I have talked myself out of exploring the idea several times.  Finally, I felt I might be ready to open my heart, yet again, to just the right dog.  Then the email arrived, and my favorite realtor wrote, "I think it might be time for you to have a puppy again."  I wondered when my realtor started reading my mind! 
This week, Michael and I visited a Dachshund rescue group in our hometown, I was overwhelmed.  Over 30 Dachshunds greeted me.  All asked to go home with us, but one little baby caught my eye.  There she stood.  A soft wired-hair, pie-bald miniature dachshund.  That's a ton of adjectives for just 8 pounds of puppy.  She came to me, allowed me to pick her up, was not surprised when I turned her over on her back, and just stayed in whatever position I placed her.  I was sold!   
Zoe Howell joined our family that day, and I have spent a great deal of time doing my very own Pet Therapy.  Pet Therapy actually reduces blood pressure, aids with digestion, decreases agitation, and just makes a person feel better.  This is true for folks who have dementia, also.  For me, I have realized how much I needed time to relax and not think so much.  I enjoy watching Zoe run around the house, and then I thrill to have her jump on my lap and snore.  Soothing.   Peaceful.  Loving.  
I can't wait to get home tonight! 
Hope that gives you Something To Ponder.  

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