Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dementia: God Won't Put More On You Than You Can Handle

I have spent my life hearing the phrase, "God won't put more on you than you can handle", and I often wondered if the people who proclaimed this lived in the same universe in which I lived?  This week, I have been thinking about this very subject. 
As you probably know, Momma has Alzheimer's.  She is seven years beyond her diagnosis date, and she has some sort of "issue" most everyday of her life.  These issues are concerning, but they are usually manageable.  Even though they are manageable, they can be time consuming.  But, she is so dad-gone sweet that I don't mind! 
My mother-in-law has been a sick lady for about two years.  She has good days and bad days.  However, on Wednesday of last week she received a good health check-up from her doctor.  YEAH!!!  Wait… on Sunday she was taken by ambulance to the hospital.  On Monday we were told she most likely would not pull through.  On Tuesday we were advised to call in Hospice.  On Wednesday they changed her future to that of not needing Hospice but skilled nursing care.  On Thursday, the skilled nursing care requirement was dropped and the need for rehabilitation was the plan.  All of these changes in just a few days.   
My sister had what was suppose to be routine knee surgery two weeks ago.  During the surgery we discovered she had what the doctor called "an angry knee", and recovery is proving to be much more difficult than anyone ever imagined. 
Then today, a sweet girl said to me, "Remember, Mrs. Howell, God won't put more on you than you can handle."  I am pretty sure she wasn't prepared for my response.  "Oh Kayla, that's really not a Biblical concept.  God will definitely put more on us than we can handle.  He does so in order to make us turn to Him.  What comforts me is knowing God will not put more on us than HE can handle."   
I wish I could say I have turned everything over to God this week.  I am afraid I have been guilty of holding on to some things, and I have even been slack in my quiet time.  God's knocking on my door, and I need to open the door and listen.  His way is the best.  His plans are perfect.   
I hope that gives you Something To Ponder. 

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